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With full steam ahead! - Product pictures differently

25 Sep, 2017

Away from the famous catwalks, there are many opportunities to be a model, such as in the product photography, where models are advertised with products for advertising purposes. The presentation of a product is crucial for success.

# Vaporizers, Evaporators & E-Cigarettes offer exceptional Model & Fairjobs

Away from the famous catwalks, there are many possibilities to be a model, as for example in the product photography, with which models for advertising purposes with products are photographed. The presentation of a product is crucial for success. For this reason, models, irrespective of whether they are women or men, are highly in demand and are subject to industry-specific standards, and the models are transmitted throughout Germany by our model agency. Students and professionals get the chance to make good money on the side, with a job that is a lot more fun. The product photography can be used in many areas, including in the case of smoking articles and corresponding utensils. Apart from cigarettes, models are now increasingly photographed with e-cigarettes and vaporizers, as the market has boomed in recent years. As a result of advertising in the area, the sales of the manufacturers also increased considerably. Ideal candidates for this area of ​​the product photography are onlineshops, like that of our partner Vaping Lee ( ). This vaporizer dealer from the beautiful Bavaria also uses its products to promote trade fairs and events, thus expanding its customer base. What makes this industry interesting for us as a hostess agency.

Grid Girl

# Trade fair hosts - support for all cases

Through experienced hostesses, the company's own test stand becomes a true customer magnet. In addition to their well-groomed appearance, the trade fair hosts also convince themselves, especially through communication skills, an open and extroverted style and their charming appearance. In addition, they have advanced knowledge of foreign languages ​​in order to get in contact with international customers. In this way, they ensure that the potential customers are not only drawn to the stand, but are also staying at the same level in order to deal with the exhibited product. The hostesses create a pleasant and relaxed atmosphere. In order to stay with the topic of smoking, we already provided hostesses at trade fairs such as InterTabac for customers such as Dekang, a renowned manufacturer of e-liquids. There, they not only looked after the service, but also looked after and welcomed the trade fair guests and brought infomaterial to the people. But even for trade fairs like the Vape Expo in Frankfurt or the Mary Jane Berlin, hostesses can be booked to ensure a relaxed atmosphere and a good atmosphere, according to the motto "With full steam ahead".

The fact that there is so much demand for models and hostesses, even in such a special subject area, shows us once again how different the individual customers are and also that the decision for a diverse model card was correct!

Further contributions

21 Sep, 2018

Unser neues Highlight – die Fotowand mit magnetischer Anziehungskraft

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17 Aug, 2020

Instagram ist jetzt TikTok?

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19 Nov, 2020

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Hurra, wir bekommen ein Baby!– So, oder so ähnlich lautet häufig der Text einer Schwangerschaftsverkündung in sozialen Netzwerken oder privaten Mitteilungen. Auch wir möchten mit Dir feiern und schenken Dir eine Schnullerkette mit Namen für Dein Baby! Außerdem haben wir Dir 3 wichtige Tipps zusammengestellt, mit denen Du auch ohne professionellen Fotografen wunderschöne Babybauchfotos machen kannst, um diese magische Zeit festzuhalten!
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04 Mar, 2018

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08 Jul, 2021

Sexismus am Arbeitsplatz – #GegenSexismus #ZeichenSetzen

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02 Sep, 2019

Das Büro-Highlight für Pausen, Meetings & Partys: Unsere Naturstein Terrasse

Mitten im Herzen der ostwestfälischen Metropole Bielefeld befindet sich das Büro unserer Modelagentur – zentral, aber dennoch idyllisch gelegen zwischen der modernen Kunsthalle und der historischen Sparrenburg. Hier arbeiten wir täglich daran, für jeden Kunden die passenden Models, Influencer oder Hostessen zu finden. Wir lieben unsere Arbeit und unser Büro, aber ein Ort hat es uns ganz besonders angetan: Die Naturstein Terrasse.
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# Contact Details

Isabelle Simou
Social Media
+49 521 337 329 06