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Women & cars - a combination with tradition

25 Sep, 2017

The automobile industry soon discovered the benefits of connecting women and vehicles to advertising. At that time still eye-catchers for the male clientele, the slightly clothed girls disappear today however increasingly. This change is simply explained by the logic of the market economy. Already at the end of the nineties, market researchers proved that women made the same decision as men. Thus, the presentation of the female charms increasingly falls into the background and the young women convince with intelligence and charm.

# Women & cars - a combination with tradition

The automobile industry soon discovered the benefits of connecting women and vehicles to advertising. At that time still eye-catchers for the male clientele, the slightly clothed girls disappear today however increasingly. This change is simply explained by the logic of the market economy. Already at the end of the nineties, market researchers proved that women made the same decision as men. Thus, the presentation of the female charms increasingly falls into the background and the hostesses convince with intelligence and charm.

# Competent advice instead of lascivious poses

A look at the automobile shows in Frankfurt or Geneva reveals that women do not have to be reduced to their female charms in order to advertise for automobiles or vehicles in general. Instead of Posen and PS, it is now said, heads prove for the trade fair hosts. The organizers increasingly rely on so-called Explains, which can convey knowledge to the customer. This is among other things due to the fact that more and more women are interested in these events and these focus their attention less on ladies who are dressed than on expert advice. The knowledge and the eloquence of the hostesses play a far greater role in the male audience.

It is self-evident that the young women and men who work on the exhibition stands are well-groomed. The main focus, however, is on their tasks, as the visitors, but also to explain cars and technical features. The hostesses are all well-trained and know about the vehicles they are standing at, as they are given a subordinate notice to the relevant client.

In total, more and more men are being asked to work as hosts on automessives. "Sex sells" may still be important as it is today, but the term has changed in the sense that women with attractive advertising are also addressed. If bearded men in elegant dresses are casual and classy, ​​this is clearly aligned with a female audience. In the case of automobile advertising, there are thus opportunities for men and women to be engaged as the advertising face of a corresponding campaign. Despite this change, it is, according to our experience, but still the female models, which are used very differently. In model space are inserts from the product photography for various companies in the motorsport industry as, to commercials, conceivable. There are also many possibilities in the trade fair and event area.

# Grid Girls - more than just decorating accessories

Further contributions

10 May, 2018

Glamour und harte Arbeit: So sieht der Alltag eines Models aus

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27 Aug, 2019

Richtig Maßnehmen für den perfekten Look

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Nach Corona-Flaute: Endlich wieder Messen!

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# Contact Details

Isabelle Simou
Social Media
+49 521 337 329 06